
Paris Light

The Shadow Box

Paris in my pocket

The Hour of Silvered Mullet

Travelling with the Wrong Phrasebooks
Jean Kent reads 'Rue des Deux Ponts' from PARIS LIGHT Jean Kent ‘Madeleines with Monet' Jean Kent reads HaikuAbout
Jean Kent was born in Chinchilla in 1951 and grew up in rural Queensland. Nine previous books of her poetry have been published. The most recent is The Shadow Box (Pitt Street Poetry 2023). Her awards include the Anne Elder Prize, Dame Mary Gilmore Award and Wesley Michel Wright Prize for her books; and the National Library Prize, Josephine Ulrick Prize, Somerset Prize and runner-up for the Newcastle Prize for individual poems. She has also received several writing grants from the Australia Council, including Overseas Residencies in Paris in 1994 and 2011.
Jean lives with her husband, Martin, at Kilaben Bay, overlooking Lake Macquarie.
For more of her poems and occasional Jottings, visit
At AustLit | At Sydney Poetry website | At the Newcastle Writers Festival