Jenny Blackford "Black ice night, frogmouth' Jenny Blackford reads CatullusAbout
Jenny’s poems have appeared in Australian Poetry Journal,
Westerly, Going Down Swinging, the American speculative fiction
magazines Strange Horizons and Asimov’s, and many other
journals, magazines, and anthologies. Her poetry awards include
first place in the Thunderbolt Prize for Crime Poetry, the
Connemara Mussel Festival Poetry Prize, and the Humorous
Verse section of the Henry Lawson awards, as well as numerous
placings, commendations, and listings.
Pitt Street Poetry published an illustrated chapbook of her cat
poems, The Duties of a Cat, in 2013. It was followed in 2017 by
her first full-length book of poetry, The Loyalty of Chickens,
suitable for people aged eleven and up. In 2019, Eagle Books
published her middle-grade novel The Girl in the Mirror. She
lives in Newcastle, NSW with her philosopher husband and her
Twitter: @dutiesofacat