
Damen O’Brien reads from and talks about his latest poetry book Walking the Boundary. We talk about such things as the way the book came together as a collection, the joy (and horror) of wriggling creatures, inheritance, apocalypse, humour, and lots more. December 2024.


Damen is a multi-award-winning poet based in Brisbane. Damen’s poems have won many of Australia and the world’s foremost poetry prizes, having been successful in more than six countries, including The Moth Poetry Prize, the Peter Porter Poetry Prize, the New Millennium Writings Prize, the Newcastle Poetry Prize, the Bedford Poetry Competition, the Cafe Writers Competition, the Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize and many more. His poetry has been published in Aesthetica, Arc, New Ohio Review, Island, Overland and other journals in Australia and elsewhere. Damen works as the Senior Contracts Manager in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle company.