Drag down to unlock or place an emergency call (paperback)
Drag down to unlock or place an emergency call (paperback)
Paperback with French Flaps. B format 128 x 198 mm. 88 pages. Full colour cover.
ISBN 978-1-922080-22-6.
Price: A$25.00
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This is the collection which won the Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Poetry in 2014. The judges’ citation read:

Readers of Drag Down to Unlock or Place an Emergency Call will be rewarded by a book full of unexpected and richly varied pleasures.

There are poems with a lightness of touch, and a self-deprecating tone, but there are also poems that deal with more serious matters. There are skillfully rhymed poems, haikus and highly experimental free verse.

From its range of technique and tone to its depth of ideas, imagery and emotion, this collection announces the arrival of a major new poet.’